
I go by:
I shall say:
Don't be shy, tell us a bit about yourself!
Are you even human?
Enter 3734 plus the current day of the month in the west coast of 'murica


BlueWizard954 said:
This site is fantastic! Posting this from Windows 95 using IE4.
22/01/24 10:37 PM | From: Internet Explorer 3.0 on Windows 95

Limows said:
I post this using old ThinkPad R31
03/12/23 5:52 PM | From: Firefox 12.0 on Windows 2000

MacUser said:
I'm viewing this on a somewhat-modern Mac, but I still like this site. Good design..wish I could do things like this with HTML.
02/12/23 11:31 PM | From: Safari 17.1 on macOS Catalina 10.15

Guest said:
Kinda like the website aesthetic
26/11/23 4:24 PM | From: Safari 17.1.1 on macOS Catalina 10.15

TronNerd82 said:
Browsing this on Netscape. Looks great!
16/11/23 9:24 PM | From: Netscape Navigator 9.0.0 on Windows 8

TSG said:
I was here!
15/11/23 5:37 PM | From: Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows 98

Oatmeal said:
After making some upgrades to my powerbook I decided to do some browsing on IE5 in the classic environment. This is a really nice website!
04/11/23 4:03 PM | From: Internet Explorer 5.0 on Mac OS

SquishyTanks said:
Hello there. Pretty nice website :D
22/08/23 1:18 AM | From: an unknown browser that imitates Chrome Dev on Windows 10

GeckoF said:
Nice website! Your videos are also cool and interesting btw =)
07/08/23 6:17 PM | From: Firefox 116.0 on Windows 10

The Eric Experiment said:
Welcome to The Eric Experiment guestbook! Make sure to leave a message as I'll be checking all of them out!
07/08/23 6:35 AM | From: Firefox 115.0 on Windows 10

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