Her Meow's Voice - I recorded some music with my cats' voices and built a little device to play them as a christmas gift to my fiancée
Goodbye, Pitica. - ...
Goodbye, Stella. - ...
I Ran Out Of Space, Let's Build An UNRAID NAS! - I sadly ran out of spaced on my Synology NAS, so let's go through building an UNRAID server to replace it
3D Printing a Nintendo Switch Cartridge Case - Short - In this VERY short experiment, I'll 3D print a case for my Switch cartridges because the ones I use are TOO small.
90's Gif Tier List - Let's rank some old internet gifs.
OLD PCI cards on a modern Ryzen 9 Computer - Can we connect hardware that is over 20 years old to a very modern computer?
Software as a Service is bad for job satisfaction - A post about a realization I recently had about the software industry. How SaaS is bad for software engineer work satisfaction.