Tag: geocities - Page 1

Videos | Retro Gaming | Consoles | Retro Computing | Off-topic | Vintage Web | 3D Printing | Opinion | Design | Music | Tinkering | Computing | Gaming | Woodworking | Portables | Mobile

I Had To Turn Two Librettos Into OneI Had To Turn Two Librettos Into One - In this part of The Eric Experiment we'll hopefully turn two broken Toshiba Libretto 50CTs into a working on, make sure to see the result!

Relive the Glory Days of Yahoo with Old'aVista DirectoriesRelive the Glory Days of Yahoo with Old'aVista Directories - Revisit the internet's past with Old'aVista Directories! This unique tool revives the Yahoo directories from the late '90s and early 2000s, offering a genuine trip down memory lane. Created using Yahoo Directories data scraped from the Internet Archive fro

I built a Search Engine to find 90's websitesI built a Search Engine to find 90's websites - Introducing Old'aVista, a search engine for retro websites from the mid-to-late 90's and early 2000's that are still available on the Internet Archive.

Re-experiencing the 90's InternetRe-experiencing the 90's Internet - Let's go back in time and revisit the internet as it was in the late 90's and early 2000's in all of its glory!

Videos | Retro Gaming | Consoles | Retro Computing | Off-topic | Vintage Web | 3D Printing | Opinion | Design | Music | Tinkering | Computing | Gaming | Woodworking | Portables | Mobile

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